
Entries in lost and found (1)


5. Lost and FOUND










(12/8/13)  I'm getting better at having intent. Unfortunately I am reminded, most often in a desperate moment, when observing others and realizing I need to resume the practice. Otherwise I may take life happenings for granted.

Many people advocate intent. I employed this most of my early life. Forgetting to keep the pattern going, I realize I've lost sight of intent and discomfort rises as a late reminder. Unfortunately it is usually accompanied by fear.  Fear of never getting back on track. Fear of having lost what I believe to be my true self.  For me, that precious feeling of having every single cell in your body be truly joyful, bubbling with gratitude and life just falling into place as if I intended it to be that way.

I have said before, and will now accentuate with even more vigor.  Surround yourself with people who truly add to your life. Every aspect of your life.  Sometimes we can feel like we don't have a choice and are somehow trapped in a situation. That really truly isn't the case.  Why would it be? We all know it is us who ultimately make the final decision. Set yourself up for more conscience decision making.